Black Sheep has come and gone and as we leave the month of June, our last month of coral and critter making is upon us. It has been over 2.5 years that this project has been alive and it seems unreal that we are heading into the home stretch for Lincoln City.
Jacque was a super star as he guarded the reef and kept the majority of “rough handlers” at bay.
One of my favorite activities over the two days of sitting with the reef was watching how people interacted with it. I must admit to taking some sneaky photos.
I also made the ridiculous decision to create a “Countdown Coral” which will be a hyperbolic that I work on every day until the deadline. I started it right when the gates opened at Black Sheep on Saturday, June 24th. Having two uninterrupted 8+ hour days to work on it saw it growing rather quickly. I’m making it in blue shades since I have two coffin sized containers of blue yarn to play with.
It is evolving rather nicely and is already bigger than 1.5 basketballs.
I’ve also decided to tack on a Finders Keepers Baby Coral Hunt when I go adventuring this July 4th. I want to take advantage of the lowest tide this year to do some tidepooling and accessing the Ghost Forest in Neskowin. I will drop some treasures all along the mid Oregon Coast and post it on social media, advertising our upcoming installation.
If you are making corals and critters and need to mail them in, please contact me and I will send you the mailing address. Keep on keeping on! We’re almost there!!