Kelp Fest and Coral Klaxons! / by CHRISTINA HARKNESS

The opening at the Mendocino Art Center for Kelp Fest was very enjoyable and the Mendocino area, including Fort Bragg, was lovely. And as a fan of crazy yard art, the huge blue whale in the front of someone’s home was fantastic!

Now that I am back in Oregon, the reality of the last month of the PNW Community Coral Reef at the Willamette Heritage Center is sinking in. While we will be moving the reef to the Eugene Textile Center immediately after Salem closes, the next show in Lincoln City, which starts in early August, is looming. The plan to build some bigger structures for the reef in the textile studio means that we will need more hyperbolics.

So I am sounding the klaxon now!!!

We can take both healthy and bleached corals. Let me know if you are planning to make some!